

       假期里发生的几件事让我深深地意识到北大的败坏。上星期是北大的sem break,我没回家,也没去那里。因此救只呆在宿舍。结果就在这假期里,我的外接硬盘(external hard disk)被偷了!而且这事发生时我还在宿舍里的床上睡觉。还记得这事发生前一晚两点我才去睡。当时只是把电脑关了,连同那硬盘把它留在桌上。没想到第二天早上十点多起来时发现电脑被移动过。检查过后发现硬盘被偷了!不过感谢主,电脑没被偷。虽然电脑的插座都被拆除了,不过却没被拿走。真的感谢主!后来和朋友谈天时,发现我们的一位朋友在MayBank的宿舍也被爆窃。他刚买还不到一学期将近四千块钱的电脑被偷了!而且,他宿舍的大门也被破坏以致不能锁。幸好他的电脑拿去槟城保修,所以只有他太太的电脑和朋友的硬盘被偷,不然损失会更惨重。最近大学里强奸案的消息传得沸沸腾腾的。这些在再的显示出北大的败坏!若要破除这些事,唯有祷告!只有全能的神能改变这一切!我相信当我们付出代价为我们的大学祷告,神必得着北大,复兴将临到北大,使北大成为神在地上的国度!


Web Sites

       Busy for few days, just for an assignment- bonus website. Finally, finish the creation of website and upload it. This is my 1st time to create my own website and upload it to a host. Look at the website create, design and upload by myself, feeling thankful to the Lord. Actually i faced some problems during i develop this website and they caused me need to developed the website again and again because it did not saved properly and cannot be use. Besides, i really feeling "headache" before and during the progress of developing this website. I have no any ideas what i want to put inside this personal website. I have few ideas but due to some reasons, they cannot be use. However, God gave me the wisdom to complete this personal website. Glory to the Lord! 
     Tomorrow night, i need to face another "war" again. This come few weeks include the Hari Raya Holiday and after Hari Raya Holiday, i also need to face few "wars". Pray that the Source of The Wisdom (Lord Jesus) give me the wisdom to study so that i can get the good result and glorify His name. This Hari Raya Holiday plan to go to KL to have my Insurance test. To get the verification/ license to sell the insurance. Really hope that i can pass in one time. After that need to start my carer in selling insurance. Pray that the mercy of God be always with me. Still got many things to worry ( working, studying, loving...) but... i believe that my God is bigger than me. He can afford all of my burden. For now, i just can pray, pass my burdens and worries to Lord and let Him afford for me. Of course, i also need to put my efforts in doing these things.Friends, if you read this message, please remember me in your prayer also. Thanks alot. God bless!

*any one who are interested to view my personal website, you can click this link:http://www.jacob.orgfree.com/s111184.html


普通的朋友VS 真正的朋友

普通 VS 真正 
一個普通的朋友從未看過你哭泣。            一個真正的朋友有雙肩讓你的淚水濕盡。
一個普通的朋友不知道你父母的姓氏。        一個真正的朋友有他們的電話在通訊錄上。 
一個普通的朋友會帶瓶葡萄酒參加你的派對。  一個真正的朋友會早點來幫你準備並且為了幫你打掃而晚點走。
一個普通的朋友討厭你在他睡了後打來。      一個真正的朋友會問為什麼現在才打來。
一個普通的朋友找你談論你的困擾。          一個真正的朋友找你解決你的困擾。
一個普通的朋友對你的羅曼史感到好奇。      一個真正的朋友可以威脅你說出來。
一個普通的朋友在拜訪時,像一個客人一樣。  一個真正的朋友會打開冰箱自己拿東西。
一個普通的朋友期望你永遠在他身邊陪他。    一個真正的朋友期望他能永遠陪在你